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The Making Of A Cockslut 2After my great time at the glory hole wall I set out to explore what else the upstairs area of the bath house had to offer. It was dimly lit and as I walked around there was many passageways and a number of small rooms some with the door shut, guys seemed to be just walking around these passageways all dressed only in a towel. At the end of one of these passages I came upon a larger more open room, the wall were black and the lighting subdued, it had a few padded chairs and some benches around the walls. In the centre of one wall hung a sling arrangement, it hung from the ceiling, it had a number of straps to it some of them padded, I walked over and started to check it out. I was trying to figure out how it worked and what it was for when a voice beside me said “want to try it”, “um sure” I said, after unexpectedly enjoying myself sucking cock I was up for anything. “Well you wont need this” he said whipping my towel off, he then guided my butt onto the first strap then my shoulders onto the second, he then lifted my legs putting each ankle into a stirrup. So there I was lying suspended türbanlı batman escort naked and spread eagled for all to see, it sent a shiver of excitement through me, the guy then grabbed a couple of sachets of lube from one of the bowls s**ttered around the room. He emptied the sachets onto my cock and balls, some of it running down my asscrack, he then rubbed it into my cock stroking it with one hand while the other massaged my balls and then moving down my crack. About now I noticed that several other guys were in the room and watching intently, I like the feeling of being watched, meanwhile my guy was working the tip of his index finger up against my ass hole, after a bit of this he pushed his finger all the way in while still stroking my cock, I had done this to myself but it felt way better to have another guy do it, it felt awesome. Then he whipped his towel off, grabbed more lube and coated his decent sized cock, now I’m getting worried I have never been fucked before, he pushed the head of his cock against my hole. Well I didn’t expect to swallow eight türbanlı batman escort bayan loads of cum but I did, and loved it, so I figured what the hell best I relax and take this big cock. He pushed and it was in, half at first then slowly all the way till I could feel his balls on my ass, fuck it hurts relax relax I tell my self, he starts moving it in and out and after a while the pleasurable sensation of having a cock sliding in and out of your ass overtakes the pain, yes fuck me!By now more guys were in the room, most of them had dropped their towels are were openly stroking their cocks, some had moved closer for a better look, I reached out and grabbed the nearest cock drawing it into my mouth, another appeared on my other side and I grabbed it and started stroking it. So now I have one cock in my ass, one in my mouth and one in my hand, wow, the guy in my ass is about to cum so he pulls out and shoots two big long ropes of cum across by stomach, with that the guy in my mouth starts to cum, he cums so much that I can’t contain it and some runs türbanlı escort batman out of my mouth. Another guy steps up and slides his cock into my ass he is a bit smaller so slides in quite easily, meanwhile the guy I was stroking has cum all over my shoulder and chest, two more guys are trying to get their cocks into my mouth so I try and accommodate, I can get their knobs in so I lick and suck their knobs while stroking their shafts , they seem to like it, the guy in my ass has cum but he has cum inside me, I could feel his cock pulsing in me. The next guy to fuck me was as big as the first but a good bit longer but by now my ass was well lubed and slick with cum and he slipped in easily. After a few strokes he slowly went all the way in, it took my breath away at first but felt amazing, so much cock inside me. The two guys in my mouth came at once and there was cum going everywhere. The guy fucking me pulled out, walked around to my side and sprayed cum all over my body, I love watching him cum over me, a lot more guys got me to suck them, others just jerked off on to my body. A number of guys continued fucking me some of them cumming in me so there was a stream of cum running out of my ass making a pool on the floor, a puddle had formed in my navel and cum was dripping from my sides. I really loved being a cum dump for all these guys, when they were finished they helped me down and gave me a round of applause so I headed for the shower covered in cum and happy.
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