9 Şubat 2021

Complete Sheer Nylon Fun

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I’d found a fancy dress shop in the Yellow Pages that I hadn’t visited before. Even though it was a fair bus ride away, I had nothing else to do that Saturday.

I found the shop easily and stepped through the door. It looked like I was the only customer, which was a good start. The other encouraging thing was that it was an old-fashioned hire shop and not one of those cheap and nasty party shops that seemed to be springing up all over the place, selling only mass-produced rubbish all creased-up in clear plastic wrappers.

“Can I help you, sir?” asked the middle-aged lady behind the counter.

“I’d like to see what you have in the way of female harem or genie costumes, please?”

“They’re on the next floor and I’m on my own for the next ten minutes. Would you mind showing yourself around?”

“Of course not,” I answered. What an opportunity, a chance to browse unhindered.

“They’re in the third section on the left,” she added.

“Thank you,” I said, making my way up the stairs.

I soon found the correct section and with it, disappointment. There wasn’t one outfit with sheer sleeves or legs or both, the kind I like to wear for a little private fun.

“They never have anything I like, these days,” I muttered to myself.

I was just thinking that I’d had yet another wasted journey, when I noticed a box of props on the floor underneath the costumes I’d just been viewing and sitting on top was a genie-style lamp. I don’t know what made me pick it up, but as soon as I did, I noticed its weight. This was no cheap theatre prop.

Below the rim of the lid the lamp was encrusted with a ring of coloured stones (jewels, perhaps?). I was holding the lamp in my right hand which meant my thumb was resting naturally on one of the stones and on closer inspection, this one was more polished than the others.

“Surely not,” I said to myself. Nonetheless I started to idly rub the stone with my thumb. On the third stroke, I heard a soft click behind me and whirled round, nearly dropping the lamp.

Before me stood a beautiful dark-haired woman dressed in an exact replica of a harem costume that had always been a favourite of mine, from a sixties British comedy film called ‘Sands of the Desert’. All I could do was stare.

“Do you like it?” she asked, turning around completely. As she did, the sheer fabric of the baggy harem pants drifted and shimmered attractively.

“It’s stunning!” I gasped. “I’ve always wanted to see this outfit in real life.

“And you’d like to wear one like it, wouldn’t you?”

“Yes, of course. How did you know?”

“I’m a sex genie. If I choose, I can see and share all your sex fantasies. I saw yours when I was inside the lamp and they attracted me. We can spend all afternoon exploring your, and now my, fetishes.”

“I can’t believe this is happening to me. Wait a minute, what about the lady downstairs and any other customers?”

“Time stopped outside this room as soon as I appeared. It will start again when I disappear back into the lamp”

“So you know what I’d like more than anything, my ultimate fantasy?”

“Yes, and mine now, of course, but I thought it best to introduce it gradually with this.” She held out the chiffon legs of the harem pants as an illustration.

“This is what you’d really like,” she continued, clicking her fingers.

Immediately an old-fashioned silky-smooth nylon appeared, draped over her left hand.

“You’d like to be dressed from head to toe in this type of sheer nylon touching every part of your body, wouldn’t you?”

“It’s something I’ve dreamed of for years.”

“No longer,” she said. “First, let’s change the scenery.”

After clicking her fingers again the room became decorated in a style something between Arab tent and modern chic.

“Get undressed, then,” she said, smiling at me.

I didn’t need asking twice and soon my clothes were draped over a convenient chair and my already stiffening cock on display.

“That’s nice,” she said, giggling. “Can you help me out of this costume, please?”

I stood behind her and with trembling hands started to undo the hooks and eyes on the bra top. As I did, she went on tiptoes and pushed her chiffon-clad buttocks against my cock.

I bahis firmaları suspected she could have undressed with a single click of her fingers, but I wasn’t objecting. The chiffon was caressing my cock.

“My name’s Alena,” she said, maintaining the pressure, “what’s yours?”

“Peter,”I answered.

“Pleased to meet you Peter.”


Alena then stepped forward a few inches, which was my cue to undo the harem pants. I couldn’t resist stroking the chiffon legs before she removed them.

She giggled. “Nice, aren’t they?”

Then Alena turned to face me and I was facing the most beautiful female body I’d ever seen.

“Aleena, you’re gor..”

“So I’ve been told,” she interrupted, grinning at me. “Shall we get started?”

I nodded enthusiastically.

Aleena clicked her fingers and suddenly I felt goosebumps all over my body. At the same time I heard her gasp slightly. I wondered what she had done, then I noticed her dark pubic hairs had disappeared. I stared for a few seconds as I’d never seen a shaved pussy before — it was quite an erotic sight. I looked down at my own groin and I was completely hairless also, in fact my whole body. My hands whipped up to my head, but my eyelashes and the hair on top of my head remained untouched, as did hers.

As if answering my unspoken question, Alena said, “The nylon will feel so much nicer if your body is hairless.”

“Now for the outfits,” she continued, clicking her fingers again.

A pleasant tingling sensation began at my toes and rapidly moved along my feet towards my ankles. I looked down and I could see the nylon fibres knitting themselves over every contour of my body from the bottom upwards.

I looked over at Alena and the same thing was happening to her. I could see that because she was shorter, her outfit was going to reach her pussy before mine got to the top of my thighs and I wanted to see her reaction when it did. I wasn’t disappointed. At the expected moment, her legs buckled, the back of her hand went to her mouth and she let out a squeal of delight.

“Wow!” was all I had time to say before it was my turn. A wave of ecstasy coursed through my groin as the nylon knitted itself over my balls and cock.

“That was an unexpected treat,” said Alena.

“Mmmm,” was all I could manage.

In no time at all, the nylon was rushing up over my face, but instead of stopping at my hairline, it carried on knitting itself around each individual hair which produced an unusual but not unpleasant sensation.

I started examining my new outfit and there wasn’t a single seam and every contour was covered exactly, every individual finger, every individual toe, even my nipples. But the beauty of it was that it wasn’t tight or loose anywhere and in fact whenever I moved any part of my body it didn’t go taut or crinkle, it kept precisely the same barely-there grip all the time. The effect was that every movement, no matter how small, was accompanied by a lovely nylon caress as the fabric slid about, expanding and contracting to maintain a constant fit.

I started exploring my face first with my fingertips and at first it was difficult to concentrate because of the wonderful sensation of one gossamer layer of sheer nylon sliding over another and the feeling as I breathed through the fabric. I discovered that the nylon only went partially into my ears, that it just covered the entrance to my nostrils and that it was just far enough away from my eyes so that my eyelashes had room to blink but at the same time just gently grazed the fabric. When I opened my mouth, the nylon stretched magically to accommodate the movement.

I could see that Alena had also been exploring her new covering and we smiled at each other. “What do you think?” she said.

“Indescribable,” I answered, as I began caressing each arm.

“This is a really exciting fetish you have here,” said Alena. I’m glad I picked you.

I stared at Alena’s face. Every time she spoke the nylon across her mouth drifted erotically in and out with each word. Each new aspect of these outfits I was discovering was bringing me to a greater level of excitement. My hands started to drift down to my groin, but I was wondering how long I’d be able to hold kaçak iddaa out.

“Hands off!” Alena called out. “I’ve got a little surprise in store for you.”

“OK,” I answered, lifting my hands away.

She laughed and as she did her beautiful tits jiggled delightfully inside the slippery fabric. She closed her eyes and a dreamy look came across her face.

“Does that feel good?” I asked.

“That’s one of the most delicious things that’s ever happened to my tits.”

Alena took a couple of steps towards me and took both my hands in hers. Wearing this outfit was exciting enough, but seeing Alena dressed the same way just took my breath away, what with the light shimmering from every inch of her nylon ‘skin’. And now, as our hands started to slide up each other’s arms until we were finally in a slippery embrace.

As our faces slid against each other, she whispered in my ear, “Shall we find out what it’s like to kiss dressed like this?”

“Yes please!”

Our lips met and immediately the nylon had completely covered the insides of our mouths. I slipped my nylon-covered tongue into Alena’s nylon-covered mouth and moaned with delight at the slippery kiss.

“Mmmmm,” sighed Alena, finally pulling back from the kiss. “That was equally delightful.” The nylon now just covered our lips.

“Now for your treat,” she continued. “Close your eyes.”

I did as I was told. There was a click and I could feel myself rise into the air a few inches, suspended comfortably above the floor.

“You like your nipples being stroked, don’t you?” asked Alena.

“Very much.”

“OK, how about this?”

Her slippery fingers flicked gently at my nylon-covered nipples.

“That’s so lovely,” I sighed. “Don’t stop.”

“And how about this?” she said, barely suppressing a giggle.

I could feel one of Alena’s hands cup my balls as the other one gently gripped my cock. Then I realised she was still stroking my nipples!

“How are you doing that?” I said.

“OK, you can look now,” she answered.

I looked down and was astounded. Her tits were moving on their own, up and down and side to side so that her bulging nipples were stroking mine just like two fingertips.

“Hold on tight,” she called out. “I would guess you’re nearly there judging by the expression on your face.

She was right. The feeling as her silky fingers caressed my cock and balls was so electrifying, I moaned loudly and came almost at once.

The first spasm was so strong, my semen just spurted straight through the nylon and clung to my stomach. The rest just pumped slowly through the fabric and started to trickle down my cock.

“I’ve no need to ask if you enjoyed that,” said Alena surveying the results.

“I suppose we’d better clean that up,” she added, clicking her fingers.

Immediately, all my come disappeared and I was dry again.

“Take a rest on the bed,” Alena motioned to me. “I’ll get some refreshment.”

I propped myself up against the headboard and watched my cock slowly shrink with its nylon covering shrinking in unison. Alena came over to the bed and handed me a glass of liquid that looked a little like white wine, then she moved round to the other side and joined me on the bed.

I was wondering how this was going to last all afternoon as I was normally only good for one orgasm a day, especially the one I’d just had.

“I know what you’re thinking,” Alena said, sipping her drink. “Drink up.”

I took a swig of the liquid, which tasted sweet and fruity, and a warm glow began to spread throughout my body. I finished the rest in one gulp and the effect was amazing. I still felt the satisfying post-orgasm tingle, but at the same time I was ready for sex again immediately as if I hadn’t had any for a whole month!

As a consequence my cock was already beginning to grow again.

Alena giggled. “Good stuff this, isn’t it?”

I looked at her, and her beauty and the beauty of her nylon outfit was having an even greater effect on my cock. I then noticed something I’d ignored before. The nylon covering her pussy followed its contours so that there was a crease running vertically down it, but I couldn’t see where the crease ended. I put my hand over and began caressing kaçak bahis Alena’s belly between her navel and her pussy, trying subtly to move downwards.

Alena put her hand over mine to stop it.

“You’re wondering if it goes all the way inside, aren’t you Peter?” she said. “Well you’ll have to wait and see. Now, my nipples need some tender care before you find out.”

She moved over and rested her head between my thighs, facing up at the ceiling. Then she showed me what to do with her nipples.

Soon Alena was sighing softly with her eyes closed. I was enjoying the hardness of her nipples and the sliding of one silky layer of nylon over another.

“I’m sorry this has got to end,” I said. “This outfit is heavenly.”

“Don’t worry, Peter, it isn’t over yet. Now, are you ready to find out.”


“With that Alena turned over and sat astride me, looking into my face. Her pussy was just touching the base of my cock. She lifted herself up and postioned my cock so that the tip was just between the lips of her pussy, with just enough downward pressure to stop it sliding out. She rested her hands on my chest to steady herself.

“Ready,” she said teasingly.

“Yes, yes, yes!” I cried out.

Then she slid my cock up to the hilt all in one movement and we both gasped with pleasure as the two layers of nylon slid over each other inside her pussy.

“You knew all along,” I said, laughing

“Of course I did. Noticed something else?”

“Yes. Inside, you’re as dry as a bone.”

“Well I don’t need any normal lubrication with two silky layers of nylon sliding in and out.”

“Let’s see how long we can stand this before we come,” Alena said, as she slowly began to move up and down. The sliding of the two layers of nylon were transferring the most delicious feelings to my cock and must have been doing the same to her. I was also being treated to the awesome sight of her lovely tits bouncing about in their nylon covering.

“Are you thinking what I’m thinking,” Alena said.

“Well, apart from the fact that I know for sure I’m going to come any minute now, I was thinking that this is the most delightful thing that’s ever happened to my cock.”

“OK, let’s come together,” she said and clicked her fingers.

Suddenly her movements increased rapidly and she was bouncing up and down the full length of my cock faster than I thought humanly possible. I barely had time to take a breath before our first enormous spasms jerked our bodies in unison. Then she sat still as the rest of our spasms followed each other so that one jerk from my cock was followed by a contraction from her pelvic muscles which gripped my cock in a way I’ve never felt before. This was accompanied by much moaning and sighing from both of us.

“Oh my God!” I cried out. “That was fantastic.”

“You’re not wrong, Peter.”

And so we spent the rest of the afternoon trying different positions and exploring all the erotic possibilities resulting from our nylon outfits. At last, after an hour or so more, Alena said, “I’ve used all the rejuvenating liquid and I think it’s as good a time to stop as any.

I must have looked crestfallen. “I know I can’t have you for ever, but I’ve got to say goodbye to this lovely outfit.”

“Ah, well you won’t, you see,” Alena said, handing me a coloured stone.

I looked it over. One side was blue and the other green.

“Don’t lose it or break it,” Alena said. “You can dress yourself and one other person in these outfits any time you like. Just rub the blue side three times to remove your body hair and then three times again to make the outfit and then hand it to the other person (a woman, I assume) so that she can do the same. When you’ve finished, just rub the green side three times to make the outfit disappear and then three more times to get your body hairs back.”

“Thank you Alena. That’s very kind and generous of you.”

“Don’t mention it, “Alena said, kissing my cheek. Now I need to go back in the lamp.”

I picked up the lamp and put my hand on the jewel as before.

“That’s right,” said Alena, “three times. Goodbye Peter and may you enjoy plenty of nylon fun.”

“Goodbye Alena,” I said, but she was already gone. I placed the lamp back into the box and made my way downstairs.

“Did you find anything suitable, sir,” asked the lady behind the counter.

“No,” I lied. “Nothing at all. Thanks for your help. Goodbye!”

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

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