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BLENDEDDarrin never expected his dad to remarry. Oh, he thought Jody was a nice enough woman, but he and the old man had been together going on six years now and had gotten along just fine without anyone else in the picture. Cancer had taken his mother at an age much too young and for the first couple of years his dad holed up in the home. His father, Big Jim, as Jody called him, fought the ravages of depression but was finally pulling out of his slump. Despite the fatigue his dad fought, he did everything he could raise his son. He was a devoted father doing what he could for his then teenage son. The most difficult time was the first two years and the bouts of depression continued on and off after that, but he was there for his k** for the important things a son needed from his dad.It wouldn’t be until nearly five years after the death of his wife he would seemingly pull out of it once and for all, although sometimes Jim would slip back in his melancholia but the episodes seemed shorter and shorter each time. When Jim met Jody, Darrin never questioned she played an important role in the final recovery of his dad. Still, when the announcement came his father was going to remarry, Darrin felt a sense of betrayal by his dad toward the memory of his mom. At the same time, when Darrin would laugh at a joke Jody made or start to enjoy a moment of time with her, he felt the same unfaithfulness to his mom.Darrin was 20 now and attending the local branch of a large university. He had had a chance to get at least a partial scholarship for football but blew his knee out during his senior year. The strapping 6-4, 235 pound young man suffered through the rigors of physical therapy, but there was still a noticeable limp to his gait. He tried to overcome it on his own at home doing every exercise he could to strengthen the knee, but to no avail. The confidence he once had dissipated, but that was an almost sudden turn in his countenance. He had heard a young k** call him “gimpy” and never forgot the words. It could have worse, but for the former star athlete, it was enough to hurt to hurt him deeply. Sure, he had made fun of some k**s in school when he was younger and wondered now what other people were saying about him. Darrin’s self-torment was merciless thinking about the k**s he had tortured with his words years earlier. If only he could go back and say he was sorry for the cruel words to each one of them, maybe somehow his atonement would be complete. It couldn’t happen of course. Jody brought to the blended family her own c***dren, a son and daughter, but her son had already graduated from college and was gone. Jody’s daughter, Kara, was his age but they were so different. She seemed so sweet and she quickly developed a feeling of fondness for his dad. Still, there was something that Darrin found disingenuous about her. His dad seemed to love both Jody and Kara. Sometimes he felt like maybe his dad, by the attention he paid to them and the money he lavished on Judy and Kara, well maybe he loved them even more than him. Many nights he would lay in his bed wondering what he could do to get his dad’s attention and affection back again.It bothered him to even feel that way. He wasn’t sure why he did, but the feelings of insecurity he had surfaced from time to time. He struggled with it trying to find some kind of rational explanation for it. Besides, he reasoned, how could his dad, the person that had stuck by him all these years, the man that had taken care of him, actually the two of them taking care of each other, all of a sudden love another person’s c***d more than his own flesh and blood. It didn’t make sense. For the young man, there was something evil about the young woman sharing his home, and now his dad. He was hesitant to broach the subject with his dad but his passive-aggressive comments couldn’t be misinterpreted by those hearing them.Whenever others were around, Kara was so nice-too nice it seemed to him. When it was the two of them, the gregarious young woman everyone loved so much was anything but that. Maybe he was just jealous at having to share his father’s time, but his feelings, unfounded or not, only intensified. He believed her to be a deceitful little bitch and she was getting worse with each passing day. Under other circumstances he would have found the blue-eyed Kara a coed he would pursue in a heartbeat. She was tall, maybe 5-9, with a model’s build and long, slender legs. Kara’s skin was creamy and smooth and her long brown hair hung down to the middle of her back. Given her slight weight of no more than 115 pounds, her tits were small, but well-rounded, firm and well, she was nicely proportioned. There was no question she seemed popular with the guys at college-she seemed to have different guys to date every Friday and Saturday.Darrin didn’t go to the same high school as Kara, but he had talked to people. She was everyone’s sweetheart. She had been a member of the cheerleading squad of a rival school back in those days and he had probably seen her before, but it was unlikely he had paid any attention during a football game. In his own school he was a star linebacker and, at times, played tight end on offense. They would have been the perfect couple in high school, the star football player and the cheerleader, but now she was stealing the last of his family away. In that sense, she was a threat to what he once enjoyed.They didn’t attend college together. She was able to afford to go to the main campus coming home on weekends. It was easy for her to be so perfect around his dad he thought. She could be cute and funny, but she only had to do it for a weekend. She walked around the house in her little shorts or tight jeans trying to tease her dad, he was sure of it. He knew exactly what she was doing and tried to warn his dad about her but he couldn’t stop her and his dad thought he was being foolish. Darrin knew she was taking advantage of his dad and his dad was sucked into her wily ways and there was nothing he bursa escort could do to stop her and couldn’t understand how no one else could see what was happening. She was draining his dad financially on weekends. Darrin went to school but worked hard to get what he needed. His new “sister,” as his dad referred to her, did nothing except become more adept in her playful manner with his dad. He wondered if Jody could see what was happening or if she even cared. Maybe she was just along for the ride as well, he thought.It was a Saturday evening. His dad and Jody had gone out for the evening. For once Kara didn’t have a date and was home. Darrin had worked all day and when he got home he saw her sprawled out on the couch. She had on a pair of cut-offs and a T-shirt. She looked at him and then turned away, on her side. Her snug shorts pulled up tight exposing her ass cheeks to him roving eyes. No doubt, he figured, she was doing this purposely for his benefit. “You know Kara, that’s not very decent!” he said to her. She turned back toward him, a look of feigned shock on her face. He believed she knew exactly what she doing. “Whatever do you mean,” she said sounding coy at first, adding, sharply, “brother!” “I’m not your fuckin’ brother…you have a brother and it’s not me!” “Well I hear dad refer to me as your ‘s*s’ all the time.” “He’s not your dad either!” Darrin’s anger was welling up inside of him but he tried to remain calm, but she was pushing it. “Listen Darrin, I know it’s been tough for you and hard for your dad. I mean your mom dying and leaving you guys all alone and all. I know you don’t like me, but damn it, can you give me a break already!” “What?” Kara’s comment implying his mom had deserted them angered him but he didn’t get a chance to say anything further as she continued talking.”Don’t play games with me, Darrin. I know, I just said it, you don’t seem to like me but we’re family. I didn’t ask to be part of this family but I am and I like it, at least for now I do.” “Yeah, well me and dad were doing fine until you guys came along and…..” “No Darrin…brother Darrin, you weren’t doing fine at all. Remember how your dad was when he first met my mom. I mean he was okay, but he was hurtin’.” She looked as though she had something to add but remained quiet, but her eyes were fiery hot. The silence continued as they stared at each other. “Okay, so he wasn’t doing great, but you don’t understand. He and mom, well they were close and he loved her.” “And now he loves my mom and he seems to love me…poor Darrin! Let’s all have a pity party for big ole Darrin…” “You know, fuck you!” he yelled, his voice crisp and loud. “Listen Darrin, did you ever think my mom loves him and so do I,” she snapped angrily. “This isn’t some kind of fuckin’ competition. I know he’s your dad and he’s like my dad too. I know you feel we’ve moved in and took him away, a little away from you, but…” “Knock off the psychological bullshit!” “Fine, then fuck you too!” Her blue eyes turned to a steely glare and coldly pierced his very being. Just as quickly as her anger had flashed, her demeanor changed again and her voice was softer. “I don’t know how much time we’re going to have to live in the same house together and summer is coming up and I’ll be here alot more than I am now. Tell ya what, I’m sorry for what I said, but ya know, we’re both gonna be in this house together and maybe…I mean, would it be so hard to try to get along?” Darrin turned away from her for a moment. Oh, he knew she was right, but he wasn’t ready, not yet. He walked to the kitchen, poured a glass of cold water and drank it down. Leaving the kitchen he made his way across the living room without looking at her and went upstairs to his room. He hadn’t done it for a long time, but he laid face down on his bed and cried. Unknown to him, Kara had followed him up the steps, after he closed the door to his room, stood listening to the large man crying softly into his pillow. She wanted to open the door to console him, and even reached for the door knob, but withdrew her hand. Kara felt bad for him, but maybe this wasn’t the time.*****Summer break from school finally started. For Darrin, it wasn’t much of a change. He still worked but took the summer off from school. As much as he would have liked going throughout the year to finish up earlier, it was time to make as much money as he could to help with college expenses. It seemed more and more of his dad’s money was going to Judy and now, even to Kara.Rotating shifts, the afternoon shifts irked him the most. He’d be leaving for work and Kara would be out in the backyard lying the sun. He couldn’t help but notice her nearly unclothed body supine on a blanket. Everyday he went to work and everyday she lounged. Still, the bitterness he had felt before was diminishing. This was life, his life, and while it wasn’t fair but nothing in life ever was he reasoned. If it was, he’d be a college football hero by now. She had been more amiable to him since their confrontation a few weeks earlier, not anything overwhelming, but nicer nonetheless, he thought. Maybe she wasn’t a cunning little bitch after all. The weeks went by. Summer break was nearing completion. He had already received his schedule for classes and it was another week of afternoons. One more week on the midnight shift would follow and he would be done with the full-time work and go back to a shorter work week when school started. Even though he didn’t have to be to work until 3:00 p.m., he still got up early, lying around in bed listening to CDs while sipping coffee. It was almost noon. He looked out of his bedroom window to see if Kara was once again lying outside. She wasn’t. Gulping down the last of his coffee, he got to go downstairs for another cup. Kara stood in the kitchen with her back to him. She had on one of his dad’s old T-shirts and her bikini bottoms on. The shirt had been cut short exposing her lower back. He stared at her supple body. Sure he liked the escort bursa way she looked, he thought. She was hot, there was no question about it. His eyes trailed down to the swim suit. Kara had a nice ass too. In a way it was too bad their parents had married. Those old thoughts came back. Kara would have been perfect for him under other circumstances. The former football star and former cheerleader, high school sweethearts carrying their romance forward into college. That was how life should be. They both were of course former standouts in high school in their own way, but his perception of himself was no longer the same. Maybe the k** was right. He was just a gimpy dude that would probably end up in a wheelchair someday. Sometimes his thoughts took him to point of dying a lonely old man, but not right now. Darrin’s eyes remained focused on her butt while his peripheral vision took in her long legs. He didn’t notice at first, although he certainly should have, when Kara turned to face him. A few seconds went by when he looked up, his eyes fixing on her deep blue eyes. There was a cute little smile creasing her face. He felt embarrassed and turned red no doubt knowing she knew he was staring at her body. “So, brother…like what you see?” she asked with an unabashed giggle. He remembered the last time she had called him “brother” and how angry it made him, but not this time. There was something in her gaze, and maybe in his own, that made things different this time. Still, while there was a warmth to her look, Darrin sensed something sarcastic about her tone.”Uh, yeah, well, I was just coming down for some more coffee,” he tried to explain weakly. “Well, sit down…I’ll get you a cup. How do you take that?” “Black…just black is fine,” he said, pulling the chair away from the kitchen table to sit down. “I was just making a fresh pot. It should be done in a couple minutes.” Kara turned and faced him. Darrin was aware immediately she didn’t have her swimsuit top on. Her erect little nipples pushed against the thin material of the worn out T-shirt. Kara’s bare, flat stomach; one a lingerie model would be proud of, caught his attention as well. Darrin could feel a vigorous movement in his loins. He almost felt ashamed but sat quietly, mesmerized by her beauty. Kara knew, he suspected, she was a hottie. She pranced around the house in almost nothing most of the time, he felt in a teasing, sexual way, for the benefit, he believed, of his dad. After all, he was paying out money for her to go to school now-money he always felt should have gone to him. She turned again and poured two cups of coffee and brought them over to the table. She put one cup down and leaned over to him to place his cup in front of him. As she bent forward the top of the T-shirt hung down lower. He could almost see her hard nipples. The stirring in his shorts was more intense, his cock starting to grow. He moved his hand to his lap to hide the evidence of his arousal but it was too late. “So, you really do like me!” she laughed. “Too late to try to hide it big guy!” A little more emboldened by her words, he sipped his coffee, his eyes peering over the cup at her. She was still standing in front of the table before him. Putting the cup down, “Yeah, Kara, I like you! I mean hell, you’re always walking around the house half-naked and all and yeah, you’re hot!” “I wondered if you were ever going to notice! What, did you think I was doing this for your dad all this time.””Yeah, sometimes I wondered about that.” “Well, believe me, he’s noticed and…” “And what!” Darrin wasn’t sure he wanted to hear the answer. “What, you think I’ve been fuckin’ your dad or something?” The thought hadn’t really crossed his mind until she said it. “No, I mean…no I don’t think so!” “You don’t think so. Hmm, well then, I guess I won’t tell you,” she chuckled. “What, not my dad, no way!” “Let’s talk about that hard dick you have right now! Okay?” He wondered if she was jerking him around now, not about the obvious erection trying to free itself from his shorts, but about his dad. “What, do want me to pull it out so you can suck it?” he asked nervously but purposely trying to startle her. “You could my dear little brother. You could!” Her tongue ran smoothly over her glossy lips and her hands rubbed against the T-shirt massaging her spongy tits. “Fuck this,” he said pushing the chair back and getting up. “Fine if you did!” “Fine if I did what? Fuck your dad?” “Don’t talk about my dad!” he shot back. Darrin reached forward with his hands grabbing at the bottom of the thin T-shirt. His hands jerked up pulling the shirt off. Kara stood in front of him in nothing but the bikini bottoms. Her small breasts stood out pertly. “How ’bout now?” she asked. “Like what you see!” “Yeah, as a matter…,” he stated, never completing his sentence. Kara grabbed around the back of his head with her hands and pulled Darrin forward. They held each other for a moment and then her silky lips moved to his. Darrin could feel her soft tongue pushing into his mouth. Reflexively his hand moved up cupping her breast, squeezing. He could feel one of her hands move down pushing inside his shorts and then her fingernails grazing lightly on his balls. She pushed him back. “Get those things off,” she told him. He quickly complied with her request while she squirmed out of the bikini bottoms. “Don’t you think we should go upstairs,” he asked, his breathing labored and voice husky. “I like the kitchen…everybody in this family likes the kitchen, don’t they?” It was like she was speaking in riddles, teasing him about his dad because she knew Darrin didn’t know for sure the answer to the question she believed he really wanted answered. Her eyes were fixated on his nakedness. Standing in the kitchen almost naked, and Kara completely naked, staring at him, at his pulsating cock really, it grew even harder. She moved closer to him. He could feel her hand on his ass cheek and the other hand pulled his cock out toward bursa escort bayan her body. “Feels good doesn’t it?” she asked. She sounded quizzical, but not in a cynical way. It was more a voice of amusement. “Fuck yes it feels good!” “Well, I’ll bet we can make it feel even better!” she cooed.Her hand moved up the shaft to the head. Kara ran her finger back and forth over the head smearing the drops of precum forming on it. Clasping the head with her fingers, one of her fingers continued to play over the head of his wet cock. He looked down at her finger tickling lightly on the swollen head. He felt an intense, raw sexual force rush through his body, a moan emanating from deep inside of him. “Hmmm, yeah,” he heard her murmur. “It feel so good, so hard-I think it wants to be sucked,” she whispered. His cock was aching now. He tried to respond to her, to say something, but the words didn’t come. “Shhhh,” she whispered, running her tongue over her sleek lips once again. Kara got down on her knees, her mouth opening, he could feel her tongue dart across the head of his cock. With her hand, she grabbed the head and held his cock straight up. Her tongue fluttered along the shaft to the base and down further, licking at his balls. Darrin’s eyes closed. She moved her mouth back up his extended, thick flesh, her tongue caressing the shaft from the bottom to the top until her lips went over the head and it popped into her mouth. She sucked the length of him in, her tongue pressing and rubbing as she did. He could hear the wet, slurping sounds of her mouth filling the kitchen. Darrin was about to explode. His hands gripped her hair hard and her head moved up and down his cock. Then she stopped. Her teeth nibbled at his cock and then she withdrew. “What…what are you doing?” he asked, almost pleading with her to continue.”Fair is fair, Darrin! Sit down on the chair. I promise you’ll like it!” she said gleefully. “I will too, more than you’ll ever know!”With his eyes closed, he knew she was bending forward. He could feel her succulent lips on the head of his cock again. His cock remained hard with anticipation. Darrin could feel the blood pulsing through his cock as her fingers dropped lightly once again to the soft, velvety skin of his hard shaft. Moving up and over him, she straddled him, one foot on each side of his body, in a squatting position. Taking his already hard cock in one hand, she held it straight up as she lowered her body over the top of it sinking it deep in her pussy. Darrin didn’t know what to think all of a sudden. Maybe this wasn’t right. She wasn’t really his sister, but kind of. Her pussy felt so tight and wet as she moved up and down balancing herself on her feet, her hands on his shoulders, while moving slowly up and down. His hands reached up and grabbed her small orbs and held on. It didn’t matter anymore. Kara continued to fuck her wet, hot pussy slowly up and down the shaft of his rigid cock. Opening his eyes, he looked up at her. Her head hung back as she bounced up and down faster. His hands covered her breasts as she moved. He could feel her body start to tense up and heard her muffled cry. He knew she was coming. He smiled but closed his eyes again. He wanted to come with her but held back. A shock wave went through him. All of a sudden he wondered about birth control. Surely, he thought, she was on the pill. The sudden attack of anxiety he felt didn’t last long. Darrin felt her lift up off of him and move down next to him taking his wet cock in her mouth and sucking their juices deep inside her mouth. From the earlier sucking and then the fucking, he exploded almost immediately filling her mouth with squirts of his thick cum. When she had finished swallowing his creamy cum down, she slowly got up and stood in front of him. Darrin’s eyes opened, taking in the beauty of her body. “Feeling better now, Darrin, my brother,” she laughed, seemingly scoffing at him. He was taken aback by her mood now. “What?” he asked. “You’re wondering about some stuff aren’t you?” It was true, he was. “In a way, yeah, I guess I am!” “You’re wondering if you’re better than your dad, aren’t you?” she asked, almost nonchalantly. “Well, Darrin, I’m not going to tell you-you just keep wondering about that one okay!” There was an almost evil grin on her face as she spoke. At this point Darrin didn’t know what to think. “I wasn’t really thinking about that. I was wondering why, I mean why after all this time, why now?” “Remember the night we had that little argument and you went to your room?” “Yeah.” “Well, I followed you and I heard you crying in your room and ya know, I felt really bad for you, I really did.” “So, I mean, what are you saying? What, this was what a pity…a mercy fuck or somethin’,” he said, chagrined. “Call it what you whatever, we fucked and that’s it!””What! Well…””Hey, I’ve watched you and, I’ve watched your dad. I’ve listened to both of you. C’mon Darrin, when’s the last time you fucked a woman? So maybe it was like fuckin’ your sister for you. Don’t know, don’t care!””You know, I was thinking maybe you’re not so bad-maybe not the bitch I thought you were, but…,””I don’t really care how you feel, you know that! Until I’m done with college, I really only care about how your dad feels, and my mom feels the same way. You’re a fuckin’ perve you know that! Both of you fuckers are so easy and predictable.”Kara picked up her bikini bottoms and shirt from the floor and walked to the door. “I’m going to catch a few rays brother!” she said, laughing wickedly. “By the way, if you’re still here when daddy gets home, let him know I’m out back.” There was a crassness to her voice that faded as she vanished from his sight still saying something.Darrin knew now he had been right all along. There had to be a way he thought, a way to convince his dad as to what was really happening. Maybe she was right about them, but there had to be a way to get back at her; for himself, his dad and for his mom. Darrin’s eyes teared, not with sadness this time, but with anger as he picked up his shorts from the kitchen floor. One of these days, he thought, one of these days he would make her and her mother regret ever having moved into his home and stealing his dad away from him.
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