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a*****ion Day 4I awoke with a jerk, and quickly looked around. I was no longer tied upand was free to move around. The girls were not in the room, and I gotup and started to look for them. They were no where around! Not in thehouse or outside it! Linda’s car was also gone, but Cathy’s van wasstill there but no keys. Not knowing just what to do, I returned tothe house, and went into the kitchen to eat. On the counter next to afull pot of coffee, was a note…..”Dearest Master,You were sleeping so quietly, that we decided to make a quick trip tothe store and get some additional groceries and other items. We will beback as soon as we can.Most Humbly Yours,Slave Cathy Slave Linda”I sat there drinking my coffee and thinking….”This is turning into a wild week! Shit, not turning, but is! The girlswere both slaves and doninatrix! I hadn’t run across any like thisbefore. But then again, I am not into being the slave. So, now what?Hmmmmmm. Well, today I will be in control and WILL stay that way! Nomore of this waking up all tied up shit! So what to do… hmmmmm. let’ssee. Cathy likes to be forced huh? Well, I can take care of that! AndLinda really doesn’t like to be dominated. Cathy enjoys pain,….. wellshe’ll get her fill of that today! Linda doesn’t like pain but she willget just as much. Hmmmmm.”As I sat there thinking, I heard the car pull in. Turning in my chair,I waited for the girls to enter. The door opened, and both girlsentered with some bags of groceries. When they saw me sitting there,they quieted up, and came on in. They put the bags on the counter, andboth fell to their knees into the correct submissive position. I lookedat them, and then decided to forbid them clothes today. I told them toleave the room, undress, put on their wrist and ankle cuffs then toreturn. Without a word, they left and I continued to drink my coffee.When they had returned and were back on their knees, I told Cathy tomake some breakfast for me. I wanted eggs, and bacon, and coffee. Cathygot up and started to make breakfast. Linda I told to suck on me a bitto get me in the mood for later. I sat there, watching Cathy work, withLinda’s hot mouth working on my cock. She was fondling my balls, andtaking every bit of my dick into her mouth. Long slow strokes. Cathymeanwhile had the skillet going and put some bacon strips in it. Whenshe reached for an apron, I stopped her!”Listen you dumb slave!” I said. “I told you not to wear anything thisentire day! that goes for aprons too.””Yes Master.” she said. “But the bacon grease will splatter, and it ishot!””Now that’s just too damn bad! And make sure that you don’t burn myfood.”Cathy returned to cooking, and when the bacon started to sizzle, Icould see her jerk each time a drop of grease hit her. It just addedto my arousal! What with Linda’s darıca escort mouth making my cock feel so good.When Cathy said that breakfast was ready, I pushed Linda away, andmoved to the table. I had Cathy get in position to my right, and toldLinda to get under the table and continue sucking. Long about halfwaythru breakfast, I started to cum in linda’s mouth. She never missed astroke either! She continued to suck hard on my bucking dick andswallow as fast as she could. This was great! A good breakfast and twolovely slaves for pleasure.After breakfast and another cup of coffee, I went to the main room andcalled the girls to me.”I am going for a short walk now.” I said. “By the time I return, youwill clean up the kitchen, and both take a hot shower. After theshower, Slave linda will tie Slave Cathy face down on the bed. I wanther ass raised with pillows, and Linda will be kneeling next to thebed.””Yes Master” they both replied.I wandered around the area for quite some time. Thinking about what Iwas going to do. Along the way, I came across a young birch tree andcut a couple of switches. Long, thin, limber switches. By the time Ihad returned to the cabin, I was sure the girls were ready and I hadplanned what I was going to do.When I walked into the bed room Cathy was tied to the bed and her asswas high. I walked next to it, and ran my hand over its smooth cheeks.Up and down her legs and brushing her pussy too. I had Linda bring thelarge dildo. I put it in Cathy’s mouth and told her to suck on it. Whenit was wet, I had Linda hold Cathy’s cheeks apart and then pushed it aways up her asshole. Cathy yelped as it went in, but otherwise laidstill. Stepping aside, I handed Linda the thin birch branch. I toldher to begin whipping Cathy starting at the knees and then up to hershoulders. Each time I felt that she was not hitting Cathy hard enough,I would give her two strokes.Linda started in. SNAP…SNAP….SNAP…..SNAP…SNAP.”Stop.” I said. “Linda, you aren’t doing that hard enough. Assume yourposition in front of me.” When she did, I gave her two hard lashes butnot on the ass. One on each breast! The birch left a long thin welt onthe sides of each breast. Each stroke brought a yelp and tears to hereyes. Then I told her to continue with Cathy. This time, she whippedher with a will. It took her 30 strokes to reach Cathy’s ass. Another30 to reach her shoulders. By now, the strokes were less hard, notbecause she was being gentle, but her arm was wearing out. Cathy hadstarted to howl about the 10th stroke. By the 30th, she was screaming.By then time Linda finished, Cathy was limp and only moaning in pain. Ihad Linda release Cathy, and turn her on her back. Once there, Idirected Linda to lick Cathy’s pussy and to suck on her clit! It seemedto take only a few escort darıca seconds before cathy began to respond! At first alow moan, then more and louder. Cathy’s hands came around and heldLinda head and mouth against her pussy. Cathy started to thrust herhips into Linda face. I could see that she was close to cumming. EvenLinda was moaning a bit.I yelled at them to quit! They were so involved that I had to lashlinda a couple of times to make her stop. Once she did I gave them newinstructions. This time Linda was to be tied to the bed, and Cathy wasto whip her! But! Linda was to be tied face up!Linda did not want it! in fact, she begged not to. But I moved over,and held her wrists while Cathy fastened them to the headboard. Thencame the ankles. With her tied like this, Linda pussy was raised highand I could see it glisten. I gave the birch to Cathy and told her tostart at Lindas thighs and continue to her breasts! Cathy was stillaroused, but she remembered how Linda had whipped her. She started withpowerful strokes and continued on. Linda on yelped a bit when it washer legs being hit, but when the birch struck hard on her exposedpussy, a loud scream rent the room. I could see that Cathy was gettinghotter and hotter from whipping the helpless Linda. She gave Lindaanother 6 or 8 strokes right on the pussy before moving on. Each timeLinda screamed more, and tried to avoid the next stroke. But the cuffsheld her. 10 more strokes brought Cathy to lindas nipples. The firststroke on her nipples and Linda screamed and bounced so hard I thoughtthe cuffs would break. I was surprised to see that the nipples wereeven harder! Two more strokes and linda started to thrust her hips ashigh as she could. When I told cathy to stop and to lick Linda, shepractically jumped onto the bed and shoved her face in Linda cunt! Assoon as Linda felt the tongue on her clit, she started to thrash aroundand moan. Her moans were loud and seemed to go on forever. Cathymeanwhile had slipped a finger into her own pussy and was licking Lindaand fingering herself at the same time. I gave her a hard lash on theass and told her to stop. She put her hand back up to linda cunt, buttried to rub her own pussy against the bed.Climbing onto the bed between Cathy’s legs, I nudged the head of mycock against Cathy’s asshole. I pushed until the head slipped insideher and then waited. Then without warning, I thrust forward deep intoher hot ass! As I slammed into her asshole, Cathy let out a muffledshriek! I continued to plow into her ass and she was pushing back atme! Every time I stroked into her, she bucked back, When I slammed deepinto her, the force of the thrust would push her face up against lindamuff!The first to cum was linda. Her hips were bouncing around and herscreams were of pure pleasure! darıca escort bayan Then I started to spurt my hot cum intoCathy’s ass. The first spurt seemed to set Cathy off! she screamed intothe pussy in her face, and this set off Linda again. Spurt after spurtI sent into her hot ass, until finally I was empty! When I pulled outof Cathy ass, her asshole stayed open for a bit. I released Lindascuffs and her clean up Cathy with her tongue. At the same time, I hadcathy clean up my cock with her mouth. Soon we were clean and well wornout. And here it was only 2 in the afternoon. What a day!By 6 that night, I was ready to go again. Both the girls were sore fromearlier, so instead of more whipping, I gave them a chance. I had Lindakneel in front of me, and begging sucking on my cock. Cathy was betweenlindas legs licking her pussy. The chance was this I told them. Iflinda could suck me off before cathy made her cum, I would whip Cathy.But if Linda came first, I would whip Linda. Linda grabbed my cock andsucked for all she was worth! She played with my balls and took my cockpast the back of her mouth and into her throat! Cathy meanwhile waslicking and sucking on Lindas pussy and clit! Each girl was doing theabsolute best they could. It was a close thing, but Linda started tocum a moment before I did! As I hosed her throat with my cum, she keptbucking into Cathys face. As I finished, I had Linda lick off my cockthen lick Cathy to an orgasm. As I sat there and watched Linda at workon cathy, I noticed that linda’s pussy had not been shaved! When shewas done, I had Cathy tie her to the bed face up. Instead of whippingher, I proceeded to shave her pussy bare! Oh, I pulled a couple ofhairs out by hand, but most I shaved off. I then had Linda released andwe all went back to the main room. I was getting tired by then, but Istill did not want to wake up in the morning all tied down. So….Telling them that I was ready once more, I had them stay kneeling whileI went to the storage room. In there I found an old broom handle. I cuta 14 inch length. I used some sand paper to make sure that the endswere smooth. Then finding a board that was nearly two feet wide and sixfoot long I returned to the main room. I had Linda get on her hands andknees. I put some KY Jelly on the ends of one of the handles thenpushed it into Linda pussy. I had Cathy also get on her hands and kneesand back into linda. As she got near, I guided the handle into herpussy as well. The girls were butt to butt. Each had about 7 inches ofbroom handle in their pussy! The taking some rope, I tied their thighstogether. I put the board across their backs and tied them to theboard. I wrapped rope around and around them. When I was done, thebroom handle kept their ass’s together, and the board prevented themfrom moving apart or aside. I ran one last length of rope from cathy’swrist cuffs to lindas wrist cuffs. Kissing each of them on the cheek, Ilaid them on their sides and went to bed. If they could get out ofthis, I deserved to be tied up!
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