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A soldier’s story – Part 2
The following week some more stockings came in to be locked away and inventoried. I deliberately under-counted 20 pairs and stuffed them in my fatigues when I went home.
Mrs Shaw was very pleased when I told her how many I showed her the booty. She would tell the girls that night. I told her we had to be very careful a bunch of women all coming over at once was not smart.
I asked her what price I should charge. She said five shillings a pair which I thought was way too high. She said no if they wanted the goods they had to pay.
The next time she met bahis siteleri canlı the girls at the pub she told them what the deal was. Four of the women had no problem with the cash and it was arranged for them to come over one-at-a-time at about 9 pm over the next four nights.
The next evening, bang on nine there was a knock on the door and Gwen let in her friend Maisy. She was a stunning woman dressed real classy-like.I had her follow me up to the my bedroom where they were stashed under my bed.
“What size do you wear I ?” I asked.
“9 1/2 medium if you have them.” casino firmalari she replied.
I found a pair and gave them to her. She took them out of the package and examined them.
Kicking off her shoes she put the stockings on and clipped them to the white merry-widow she was wearing under her dress. With her shoes back on she stood in front of the full length mirror in my room.
She pulled up her skirt up.
I tried to be a gentleman and look away, but I could not. She knew I was watching but did not seem to care. She had her skirt hem up high and examined herself front casino siteleri and back in the mirror.
She asked If I had them in a darker shade ? I did and she tried those on too. She bought both pairs and left after she gave me kiss on the cheek and a thank you.
I went downstairs and gave Gwen half of the money. She refused, but did eventually accept ‘half a crown’ which was 25% in their crazy ‘limey’ money. I went to bed and had what the Brit’s call a ‘good ol’ wank’ wondering what tomorrow at 9 pm would bring.
Lucy came over just before 9.30 pm the following night. She was a chatty girl who had obviously stopped off at the pub for a G&T first. We went up stairs and I gave her a pair of tan hose in the size she requested.
She too put them on but was careful not to make a show of it like Maisey did. I was sitting on the
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